Getting married in Italy >

civil ceremony

Civil Wedding in Italy

By law the Civil Ceremony in Italy takes place inside the local Town Hall.

Most of the Town Halls are located in magnificent historical palaces, which still provides a very charming setting for your wedding ceremony in Italy. There are some notable exceptions to this, and in many places it is possible to have the Ceremony outside, thanks to special agreements between the venues and the Town Hall. Contact us to discover the most fascinating frames to celebrate your civil ceremony among charming villasmedieval castles, panoramic terraces spread out all over the country.

The Civil Ceremony in Italy consists in the reading of some articles from the Italian Civil Code, a ritual formula and the exchange of the rings, and it ends with the signing of the official register. The duration of the whole ceremony is usually around 20 minutes and is performed in Italian by Mayor or civil registrar with the presence of an official Interpreter.

Two witnesses over 18 years old are legally needed.

You will have to prepare all the documents needed, according to your nationality, and show up to the Town Hall a couple of days before the wedding, together with the interpreter, to sign the Declaration of Intent; this is a document that declares that there is no impediment to the marriage in accordance with Italian Articles of the Civil Code.

Contact us to to receive support and info on paperworks to get married in Italy and the process you need to follow.

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